
您會學到 掌握基础的Solidity语言,包括文件结构、类型、事件、数组等等 学会使用Truffle、Web3/Truffle合约等开发工具 深入理解不同类型区块链、节点以及它们的操作方式 学会如何安全存储,通过智能合约收发以太币等 测试和发布这款有趣的黑白棋游戏到链上 每章都配有作业和作业讲解,确保你能随时验证自己是否掌握 說明 你是否曾羡慕过别人成功转行区块链,但是自己却不知道该从哪里入手?你知道开发区块链要用到以太坊(Ethereum),但是自己却不知道怎样能做出个具体的项目来?有没有想过自己也能基于以太坊做一个联网游戏,比如说黑白棋? 让我们来帮你转入当下最热门的开发领域——区块链吧! 这门课中,我们将手把手教您用以太坊写出实实在在能玩的区块链游戏,打磨自己的区块链开发技能,对该领域的开发更加自信。 讲师介绍 拉文德·迪尔 Ravinder Deol B21区(B21 BLOCK)创始人,比特币认证专家,联合国比特币研究与采纳志愿者,全球教授了10万人比特币区块链的专业课程。 托马斯·韦斯纳 Thomas Wiesner ProfitSee技术总监,比特币区块链专家,以太坊开发技术讲师,擅长用视频方式教授区块链开发技术,录制有《以太坊开发大师课》等热门课程。 这门课的目标很简单: 我们将会指导你基于以太坊区块链创建出一个黑白棋游戏,让你成为以太坊区块链开发专家。在学习过程中,你将会接触到各种高级开发工具。 这个目标虽然简单,却涵盖了以太坊区块链开发的方方面面,你一定会为之着迷。 快来加入我们吧! 基于Solidity和其它工具来编写一款有趣的游戏吧!打磨自己的以太坊开发技术,变得更加纯熟! 此課程包括: 9 個章節 • 66 堂講座 • 總長度:5 小時 20 分 要求 这不是一门小白课程,需要学习者具备基础的开发知识与经验 可以没有区块链开发的基础知识,本门课会从基础讲解 对以太坊游戏开发有足够的热情和毅力 此課程適合哪些人: 希望入门区块链开发的新手 有区块链开发知识的有经验的开发者 想用Solidity和以太坊创建有趣又有意义的东西的人   報名課程 頂級公司為他們的員工提供這門課程本課程已選入最受好評的課程收藏,並且受到全球企業信賴。 瞭解更多

Unity 零基礎到製作2D手機遊戲

您會學到 基本C#程式語言 Unity操作介面與基本操作 Animation動畫製作 玩家角色製作、敵人及BOSS的AI設計 使用RigiBody 2D 使用UI系統及了解Safe Area 使用Audio系統 使用Tile Map設計關卡 使用2D Cinemachine 製作關卡選擇系統 轉換場景的動畫製作 Unity New Input System 輸出成Android用檔案及安裝到安卓手機 輸出成iOS用檔案及安裝到iPhone 說明 本課程是為Unity初學者設計的課程,最後會帶各位把製作的遊戲安裝到Android手機與iPhone手機上。若您是MAC電腦,可以開發Android或iPhone手機的遊戲,但若您的電腦為Windows系統,則只能開發Android手機的遊戲,請大家要注意。 Unity版本 2019.4(LTS) 硬體基本需求 Windows或Mac電腦 i5以上的CPU 4GB以上的RAM 在本課程您可以學到 基本C#程式語言 Unity操作介面及基本操作 基本Camera設定 Animation動畫製作 玩家角色製作、敵人及BOSS的AI設計 使用Rigibody2D 使用UI系統及了解Safe Area 使用Audio系統 使用Tile Map設計關卡 使用2D Cinemachine 製作關卡選擇系統 轉換場景的動畫製作 Unity New Input System 輸出成Android用檔案及安裝到安卓手機 輸出成iOS用檔案及安裝到iPhone 若有任何問題,歡迎隨時提問喔! 让更多有志于推动本地读经教育、服务本地家庭的老师和学堂负责人能提高理论和实务水平。让读经家长更好地把握读经理论,利于带领孩子学习。 此課程包括: 21 個章節 • 132 堂講座 • 總長度:20 小時 20 分 要求 必須有Windows或Mac系統的電腦 CPU i5以上、記憶體4GB以上 此課程適合哪些人: 想學習製作遊戲的初學者   報名課程 頂級公司為他們的員工提供這門課程本課程已選入最受好評的課程收藏,並且受到全球企業信賴。 瞭解更多


您會學到 创建一个射击游戏。 使用虚幻引擎4进行开发。 学习使用蓝图进行编程。 学习如何搭建一套优质的蓝图对象架构。 学习复杂的UI制作。 完全不需要任何编程经验也可以学习本套课程。 已经有游戏开发经验的人将进一步提升开发能力。 說明 大家好,我是大猫。 关于内容 本套课程是一套完整的大逃杀类型的游戏教程。功能非常庞大,在宣传片中没能把所有功能展现出来,例如,发射的子弹全部都有下坠效果,根据飞行距离降低飞行速度。所有功能尽可能做到详细。 目前课程已经全部完成,查看课程大纲可以了解到本套课程的全部内容。 关于蓝图 本套课程所有内容均使用蓝图实现。你将看到一套架构清晰,节点整洁的蓝图项目,是时候真正认识蓝图的伟大。 如果你在工作中使用C++进行开发,这丝毫也不影响你观看我的课程。因为蓝图中每一个功能都能在C++中找到实现方式,通过学习蓝图依然可以给你的C++开发带来很大帮助。 写在最后 这套课程的全部工作都是我一个人完成,包括蓝图开发、讲案编写、视频录制、语音录制、字幕、视频剪辑,甚至在宣传片开头的绿幕拍摄。为了给大家一个尽可能完美的体验,每一个细节都反复推敲。制作一套走心的课程真的很不容易。我知道还有很多没有做好的地方,还希望大家可以多多理解。当然,你有任何问题、意见、建议都可以与我联系,我会在看到后的第一时间回复你。 我是大猫。 全部课程列表 一共26个章节,218节课。 第1章:准备工作 (4 节课) 下载并安装虚幻引擎。 创建游戏项目,并导入资源。 第2章:基础知识 (4 节课) 对虚幻引擎有基本的认识。 第3章:项目设置 (4 节课) Gameplay框架搭建。 完成输入设置。 第4章:动画混合空间 (10 节课) 学习什么是动画混合空间。 制作角色站姿、蹲姿、趴姿、瞄准、跳伞的动画混合空间。 第5章:动画瞄准偏移 (7 节课) 学习什么是动画偏移瞄准。 制作角色站立、蹲姿、趴姿、瞄准的动画偏移瞄准。 第6章:动画蓝图 (15 节课) 学习什么是动画蓝图。 制作角色动画状态机,其中包含角色所有状态。 学会使用动画图表。 制作动画相关逻辑功能。 第7章:动画蒙太奇 (6 节课) 学习什么是动画蒙太奇。 制作装备和收回武器动画蒙太奇。 制作换弹夹&换子弹动画蒙太奇。 制作射击相关动画蒙太奇。 制作使用物品相关动画蒙太奇。 第8章:角色基础功能 (14 节课) 设置角色组件。 制作鼠标控制功能。 制作角色移动功能,及各种情况对移动速度的影响。 制作姿势切换。 第9章:角色时装 (6 节课) 搭建角色时装骨骼模型组件。 材质遮罩处理。 制作角色换装系统。 第10章:物品数据表 (5 节课) 制作武器数据表、子弹数据表、武器配件数据表、装备数据表、药品数据表 第11章:物品系统 (2 节课) 物品架构讲解 创建物品基类 第12章:拾取对象 (8 节课) 创建拾取对象基类。 创建物品、武器配件、子弹、装备、药品、能量物品、时装拾取对象。 第13章:物品对象 (9 节课) 创建武器物品对象,包括骨骼功能、武器配件功能、声音及粒子组件。 创建子弹、装备、使用类、时装物品对象。 第14章:物品生成系统 (9 节课) 讲解物品生成规则。 创建概率相关数据表。 制作生成物品逻辑。 计算物品显示位置。 第15章:数据储存 (2 节课) 数据储存架构。 创建数据相关变量。 第16章:拾取和丢弃物品 (30 节课) 角色换装逻辑制作。 拾取和丢弃物品逻辑流程讲解。 制作拾取和丢弃物品相关功能。 武器切换功能。 第17章:武器功能 (21 节课) 武器瞄准功能,包括直接瞄准和开启瞄准镜瞄准。 开火功能,包括开火动画、换弹夹、换子弹、屏幕抖动、准星偏移。 子弹功能,包括子弹下坠逻辑制作、弹孔制作。 第18章:资产界面 (20 节课) UI制作基础知识讲解。 UI界面搭建及逻辑制作。 UI界面中显示3D角色,并同步所有换装。 UI界面拖拽功能。 第19章:主界面 (9 节课) 制作准星。 制作动作提示UI。 制作提示信息UI。 制作角色信息UI。 制作倒计时UI。 制作方向UI。 第20章:使用物品 (6 节课) 制作资产界面进度条。 制作圆形进度条。 制作使用逻辑。 制作能量恢复生命值逻辑。 第21章:跳伞 (9 节课) 制作跳伞UI。 飞机Actor制作。 制作自由落体飞行功能。 制作开伞飞行功能。 第22章:安全区 (4 节课) 制作显示功能。 随机位置逻辑讲解。 制作持续缩小功能。 角色移入移出触发相关功能。 第23章:空投 (4 节课) 空投飞机飞行。 空投箱子。 空投中的物品。 第24章:轰炸区 (3 节课) 爆炸点。 轰炸区域。 执行逻辑。 第25章:地图UI (9 节课) 大地图和小地图界面搭建。 大地图移动和缩放。 小地图移动逻辑。 地图UV制作和讲解。 显示安全区、轰炸区及飞行线路图。 第26章:正式地图 (2 节课) 适配相关逻辑到最终地图中。   本套课程将以PUBG游戏为原型制作一款大逃杀类型的射击游戏。 課程內容 26 個章節 • 217 堂講座 • 總長度:35 小時 56 分 要求 可以运行虚幻引擎。 有基础逻辑思维能力。 此課程適合哪些人: 想学习游戏开发的人。 没有或有一定编程经验的人。 程序员、策划师、游戏制作人。 報名課程

Build a Six-Figure Online Business Selling Online Courses

What you’ll learn Identify the sweet spot where your passion and talents meet the most urgent needs of your market. Evaluate demand, before putting time & effort into creating your course. Execute a simple, foolproof method for identifying a profitable course idea that sells. Find and set the right price point for your course. Use guidelines and templates to create unique, irresistible offers that stand out from all of your competitors. Use my simple, step-by-step process to create and package your content in a way that speaks to your audience’s pain points and goals. Build a targeted list of the right people to market to, even if you’re starting from zero! Develop a powerful marketing and sales funnel and create compelling lead magnets to market and sell your course. Create successful Facebook advertising campaigns that specifically target people who want what you’re selling! Utilize efficient growth-hacking strategies to increase your conversion rate and get more relevant leads. Execute on a complete plan for developing a marketing journey for prospective customers that turns browsers to lifelong customers. Build a persuasive Sales Landing page to effectively convince your prospects to buy. Position yourself to stand out in your industry as a true expert whose courses deliver real, actionable value. Description If you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, author, coach or career professional who has been struggling to figure out how to earn extra income on the side, or if you want to turn your passion into a full time income, then keep reading. Below, I’ll share with you the easiest solution to overcome all of these challenges by creating and selling valuable and profitable online courses.  Are you tired of Sunday nights spent dreading the work week? Do you dream of passive income from online courses, but keep talking yourself out of it?   Are you looking to get into online business but don’t know where to start?   Have you launched an online course, but aren’t getting the results you expected?   Whatever your background may be, if you’ve ever thought about turning your knowledge, your unique gifts and your passion into a profitable online course, then you’ve come to the right place!   Look — there’s no doubt that you have valuable insight to share with your tribe. But that doesn’t automatically guarantee that you can connect with them and get what you’ve created in front of them. And even if you do, there’s no guarantee that your course is packaged in a way that’ll engage them and convert them into buyers.   To do all of that — and make money — you need a lot more than empty promises and hot air.    You need a plan.    You need a step-by-step guide that will walk you through every aspect of creating a course for people that’s irresistible, valuable and — most importantly — profitable.    That’s exactly what this course is.   The Internet is full of “experts” — but most of them are wrong.   It seems like every day there’s a new training, free guide, or blog post promising that you can make a gazillion dollars if you just buy this product. There’s no shortage of training courses teaching the tactical tools and techniques to create and sell an online course.   While that’s extremely valuable and a necessary part of any course creation and promotion, just knowing the mechanics of doing something doesn’t guarantee you’ll be successful at it.   This missing component is the reason so many course creators fail at making their courses profitable.   This course is different — over 60,000 students is the proof.   In the last ten years my husband Joe and I have been able to earn a generous multiple 6-figure monthly income running an online business and creating and selling online courses. By implementing the strategies I teach in this course, our courses to date have enrolled over 210,000 students. All you need to create, launch and profit.    This comprehensive training program provides absolutely everything you’ll need to successfully launch your own online business, courses and programs and profit from them. From figuring out what you should be teaching to positioning, pricing and marketing, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create and launch a unique course that customers will happily pay premium fees for… and we’ll work together to do it, step-by-step.   You won’t find anything here that hasn’t worked for me or my clients! This is hands-on, action-taking, make-it-happen training. This course includes: 5 hours on-demand video 1 article 6 downloadable resources Access on mobile and TV Certificate of completion Requirements No experience in training, teaching or marketing required! A willingness to learn, roll up your sleeves and work toward your dream! A computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to start getting paid for their content and expertise! Anyone who believes they have a useful, valuable message and/or expertise to pass on to others who can put it to use. Anyone who’s never created an online course, but really wants to! Anyone who’s created an online course that hasn’t succeeded as expected. Anyone looking to position themselves as an authority in their chosen field. Enrol Course Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more

The Beginner’s Guide to Animation in Unity (v5 to v2020+)

What you’ll learn create animations from scratch using the Unity Mecanim system and place them onto game objects. import third party animated assets into Unity and set up animation controllers. write C# code to dynamically control animations through user interaction. explore the use of inverse kinematics in humanoid rigs. create complex animation sequences and blends dynamically controlled by the user at runtime. Description The Beginner’s Guide to Animation in Unity with Mecanim is for animators and Unity practitioners who want to bring their characters to life in a game environment and want to learn the ins and outs of the mecanim system. You don’t need to be able to model or animate in external packages as all models and animations are provided. All aspects of animation in Unity are covered from physics, key framing, curves, forward and inverse kinematics, animation state machines and working with third party assets. Students will be introduced to elementary code, in C#, that is essential for making dynamic animations and triggers to control character behaviour at run time.  In this course, Penny teaches all the invaluable skills you will require to begin animating your own game characters in Unity using her internationally acclaimed teaching style and knowledge from over 25 years working with games and computer graphics. Updated to cover Unity Versions 5 to 2020 the course now contains 5 hours of extra content with: new challenges and projects blending animations to create strafe sets adjusting curves designing a character and the placing of motion capture with free third-party tools Learn how to animate and work with: the mecanim timeline curve and keyframe editors animation events that trigger code root motion imported animations created in third party packages animation state machines Contents and Overview The course begins with the very basics of the Unity interface and progresses to an in-depth examination of all the mecanim components (including the Animation, Animator, DopeSheet and Curve windows). The majority of lectures are follow-along, hands-on workshops in which the student will explore a variety of animation techniques from creating a simple bouncing ball, through to a complex animation for a wall climbing character. Animated models and starter projects are included for students who are not confident in creating their own. By the end of this course, the student will have thoroughly explored the functionality of the mecanim system, under the instruction of an internationally-recognised professor, and be well on their way to developing snippets of code to control all aspects of 3d game animation. This course includes: 11.5 hours on-demand video 5 articles 49 downloadable resources Access on mobile and TV Certificate of completion Requirements Download the free version of the Unity Game Engine. You do not need to be able to model or animate in an external package – all resources are provided. Who this course is for: This course is for those interested in a thorough understanding of the Unity Mecanim system. It is suitable for beginner game developers and animators, as well as well seasoned animators wanting to import their work into games. This course is not for those wanting to learn to program in Unity. Enrol Course Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more

Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Learn C++ & Make Video Games

What you’ll learn Editing sound, audio, and images to create engaging course materials from scratch Build profitable, passive income courses and create a life of freedom Avoid making costly mistakes or investing time in a non profitable subject Know exactly what equipment you’ll need to create your course Launch successfully, even if you don’t have an existing audience Earn money while you sleep, and change people’s lives with your teaching Description Ready to make games in the amazing world of Unreal Engine 5? This “critically-acclaimed” and “insanely successful” Unreal Engine course was created in collaboration with Epic Games. The majority of the course has been fully updated and remastered to Unreal Engine 5. Existing students get all the new material for free. Learn how to create and mod video games using Unreal Engine 5, even if you’re a complete beginner. Unreal is a free-to-use game development engine used by AAA studios and indie developers worldwide. It is a massive and powerful beast, but we break it down step-by-step so you can tame it. We start super simple so no prior experience of Unreal or coding is needed! With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. We believe project-based learning is the best way to learn Unreal Engine, so you’ll create 5 Unreal games! Already know Unreal and want to learn VR or Multiplayer? Check out our other Unreal courses, just look for the green leaf for our other world-class Unreal courses. Learn C++, the powerful industry-standard language from scratch. By the end of the course, you’ll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more. “Any serious game programmer needs to know C++“Jason Gregory, Lead Programmer at Naughty Dog (creators of Uncharted & The Last of Us) Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unreal Engine is a fantastic platform which enables you to make AAA-quality games. Furthermore, these games can be created for Windows, consoles, macOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source! Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the instructors who are on the forums regularly. Go on to build several games including a tank game, and a First Person Shooter. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Our thriving discussion forum will help you learn and share ideas with other students. Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time). Start to learn Unreal C++ now, you won’t be disappointed! This course includes: 29.5 hours on-demand video 3 articles 5 downloadable resources Access on mobile and TV Certificate of completion Requirements 64-bit PC capable of running Unreal 5 (recommended). Or a Mac running latest MacOS Big Sur. +8GB of RAM. Quad-core CPU, 2.5 GHz or faster. DirectX 11, 12 or Metal 1.2 Compatible Graphics Card. About 50GB of free disc space. No previous Unreal or coding experience needed. Who this course is for: Competent and confident with using a computer. Artists who want to bring their assets alive in a game engine. Developers who want to re-skill across to coding. Complete beginners who are willing to work hard. Existing programmers who want to re-skill to game development. Thos wanting to explore the exciting new world of UE5! Enrol Course Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more

Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D

What you’ll learn Editing sound, audio, and images to create engaging course materials from scratch Build profitable, passive income courses and create a life of freedom Avoid making costly mistakes or investing time in a non profitable subject Know exactly what equipment you’ll need to create your course Launch successfully, even if you don’t have an existing audience Earn money while you sleep, and change people’s lives with your teaching Description The course has recently been remastered in Unity 2021.1. This course started as a runaway success on Kickstarter and has gone on to become the most popular and most watched Unity game development course on Udemy. The course has full English closed-captions throughout. Learn how to create video games using Unity, the world-leading free-to-use game development tool. We start super simple so you need no prior experience of Unity or coding! With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed what you can achieve right from the first moment you start the course.  Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the GameDevtv team who are regularly engaged in the forums and Q&A section. Go on to build several games including: Snow Boarder: A simple Side-Scrolling jumping game using Unity’s sprite shape tool Laser Defender: A Top-Down Space Shooter with enemies to shoot and dodge; TileVania: A fast-paced classic Side-Scrolling Platformer using Unity’s Tilemap tool; Quiz Master: A Quiz Game that focuses on learning how to set up user interface in Unity. Prefer to start with 3D games? Check-out our sister course, the Complete C# Unity Developer 3D. Already have some Unity knowledge, and want something more challenging? Check-out our epic RPG Core Combat Creator. More interested in creating 3D models from scratch? Start with our Complete Blender Creator course. Our green leaf logo is a symbol of passion and quality. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own TA-curated Community (17k views/day), and our student chat group (10k live at any one time). Check out our reviews to see how people love this feature.  The course is project-based as we believe this is the best way to learn Unity and C#. You will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources – you’ll never get stuck. There are talking-head videos, powerful diagrams, quality screencasts and more.  Oh, and it’s just bigger and better than other Unity courses you will find online. See the course length and the reviews.  For each demo game you build you will follow this process…  Be challenged to build the entire game yourself. Be shown step-by step how to build it. Be challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly. You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced coders and avid gamers, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.  You will learn C#, and in turn build a solid foundation for Object Oriented Programming. By the end of the course you’ll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.  What this course DOESN’T cover…  Whereas this course is already huge, we can’t possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering…  Performance optimization. Editor plugins or modifications. Physics engine modification Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unity is a fantastic platform which enables you to make production-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source! If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the coding and game design principles you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you game design principles.  Dive in and learn Unity now, you won’t be disappointed! This course includes: 18.5 hours on-demand video 3 articles 7 downloadable resources Access on mobile and TV Certificate of completion Requirements Mac or PC capable of running Unity 2019 or later. A passion and willingness to learn how to code. Who this course is for: Competent and confident with using a computer. Some programming experience helpful, but not required. Artists who want to learn to bring their assets into games. Complete beginners who are willing to work hard. Developers who want to re-skill across to game development. Enrol Course Top companies offer this course to their employeesThis course was selected for our collection of top-rated courses trusted by businesses worldwide. Learn more

Udemy Masters: Learn Online Course Creation

What you’ll learn Editing sound, audio, and images to create engaging course materials from scratch Build profitable, passive income courses and create a life of freedom Avoid making costly mistakes or investing time in a non profitable subject Know exactly what equipment you’ll need to create your course Launch successfully, even if you don’t have an existing audience Earn money while you sleep, and change people’s lives with your teaching Description What is your ideal life? Does the word FREEDOM come to mind?  Freedom from stress. Freedom from worry. Freedom from money. Freedom from bosses. Freedom to be with your friends and family. Freedom to do what you love every day. Ultimately, freedom is what this course is all about. I want to show you how I’ve built a life of freedom by sharing my knowledge with the world. It’s a wonderful thing to make more money than I’ve ever made before… by teaching others skills that will improve their own lives. You want freedom, and you’re either: Someone who has never created an online course before Someone who is trying to sell online courses, but isn’t having as much success as you’d like I can help you, no matter what situation you’re in.  THIS COURSE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO: Create online courses that actually sell Come up with great online course topics Validate your course idea to make sure it will be profitable Design an engaging outline sure to get great student reviews Understand the equipment needed to get started on any budget Edit more engaging and super duper high quality videos Launch your course successfully, even without an audience Choose a platform(s) to put your courses on Sell courses on marketplaces like Udemy and Skillshare Self-host your courses with tools like Teachable and Thinkific Build an automated sales funnel to sell your course while you sleep Grow your own loyal following for your own brand Use YouTube, webinars, blogging, and podcasting to sell courses Increase your income by re-purposing course content Along with the video content of the course, there are many bonuses. BONUSES: Downloadable resources and guides An audio version of the course to listen on the go Q&A videos the answer your specific questions Assignments that make you productive while taking the course An instructor who truly cares about your success I SHARE ALL MY SECRETS IN THIS COURSE These are techniques that I use every day to grow my 6-figure business (having sold over $1,000,000 in courses since 2012). They are techniques that other successful course creators are using to build their own businesses. IT WILL NEVER BE A BETTER TIME TO START TEACHING ONLINE THAN TODAY The key thing to know before starting is that you don’t need anything to get started. You don’t need an audience. You don’t need to know how to make videos. You don’t need to know how to teach. You don’t need to know how market. You just need to be persistent. You just need to believe in yourself. You just need to keep your eye on the goal (whatever that may be – financial independence, $100,000 per year, an extra couple bucks for coffee, an avenue to share your knowledge with the world). WHY AM I DOING THIS? Teaching online has changed my life. It’s helped me pay for vacations around the world, pay off $107,000 in student loan debt, pay for our wedding, invest for a better future, and purchase our first home. Now I want to give back.  In 2013, I started teaching other people how to create and sell online courses. Since then, thousands of people have used my techniques to create their own online courses and change their own lives.  A lot has changed since 2013 when I launched my first online teaching training course. I’ve spoken with and interviewed hundreds of other online instructors to learn what they’re doing to grow their online course business. I started the Online Course Masters podcast to document some of these conversations.  While the podcast, my blog, and my YouTube channel are all ways in which I give amazing, high-quality, and valuable training to people like you, online courses are still the best way to take a student from A to Z.  That’s why I created this course – to walk with you through the entire process. With our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there’s no reason to hesitate. I’ll give you two more reasons why you should enroll right this second: Your investment in this course will quickly be paid back even just by implementing some of the techniques I share with you. There are hundreds of gold nuggets to choose from, making this course the best investment in your own education and future success. While today is still the best day you can get started with creating and selling online courses, it will get harder for course creators as the markets get more and more competitive. You want to start as soon as you can (like today) to take advantage of this growing market. Instead of struggling and trying to do everything yourself, just learn from someone who has already figured it out.  This course includes: 6 hours on-demand video 10 articles 4 downloadable resources Access on mobile and TV Assignments Certificate of completion Requirements Students don’t need any experience creating online courses. This course will cover everything you need to get started – from coming up with the right course idea and creating your course, to publishing and promoting your online courses. What you’ll learn Create online courses that actually sell. Build an automated sales funnel to sell your course while you sleep. Validate your course idea to make sure it will be profitable. Design an engaging and high-quality course. Launch successfully, even without an audience. Grow a loyal following for your own brand. Use YouTube, webinars, blogging, and podcasting to sell your courses. Know exactly what equipment you need to teach your course. Increase your income by re-purposing course content​​. Who this course is for: Anyone who wants to create their first online course – no matter what level of technical skills you have. Online course creators who want to make better courses and increase their revenue. Enrol Course Top companies offer this course to